OpenDevConf CI/CD (and seeking keynote speakers!)
by Elizabeth K. Joseph
Hi everyone,
I've been helping out with the upcoming OpenDevConf in Vancouver on
May 22-23:
The schedule is coming together at:
It's co-located with the OpenStack Summit, but has its own
registration and branded space in the conference venue.
I'm writing to 1) let you all know about this event and encourage you
to join us. I know a number of us are working at the intersection of
CI/CD and open source and I think it'll be a great event. There will
be keynotes, standard talks, and a bunch of collaboration sessions
where we can get together and share best practices.
And 2) because also because we're looking for keynote speakers to set
the tone for conference by giving an overview of some of the more
popular technologies and ideas in the space of open source CI/CD.
Keynote talks would be about 10-15 minutes each, and we'd like to see
them include an open source CI/CD related demo. I expect we'll want to
touch upon some key technologies, like Jenkins, Spinnaker and
TravisCI, and I'll probably be giving a general talk about the rise of
containers in the CI/CD space, but other ideas and technologies are
certainly welcome.
So let me know if you have an idea, or have any questions about the
event. Hope to see you there!
Elizabeth Krumbach Joseph || Lyz || pleia2
6 years, 11 months