Stickers for LISA
by Karsten Wade
/(Resending to ... yes Virginia, sub-domains
do exist ...)/
tl;dnr -- #openinfra stickers, yes or no? Current design attached ...
I'm planning to do some booth duty time representing CentOS and maybe
Fedora at the Red Hat booth at USENIX LISA 17 end of this month.
One of my interests at LISA is to talk to sysadmins about the features
and ethos of open source infrastructure.
What do you all think about me doing a small run of #openinfra hex
stickers run to give out? (I'll send the extras out to anyone here who
wants some to hand out.)
To do this I need to get the order in by the end of this week.
(At the least I want to get a big button to pin to my shirt or a ball
cap that says, "Ask me about #openinfra". ;-) )
Aside from the idea of stickers, does it follow for others that
'#openinfra' works as a symbol or mark for our community? Has that been
discussed at all yet?
I work with Tuomas Kuosmanen (tigert) (designer for GNOME & others), and
he did some iterations from my raw prototype[1] attached here. It's a
simple, monospace open source font in a hex sticker template.
- Karsten
Karsten 'quaid' Wade ..... ..... gpg key: AD0E0C41 .......................... Urban homestead .......... Sensible local transportation
7 years, 5 months